The team from the Centre of Excellence transfer project "Predictive Maintenance Assistance System" successfully presented itself at the maintenance 2024 trade fair in Dortmund The Maintenance in Dortmund is the leading trade event for industrial maintenance and an...
From our community
Neue Transferprojekte starten
Mit neun weiteren Transferprojekten ermöglicht das Leistungszentrum Logistik und IT innovativen Ideen aus der Forschung den Schritt in die Praxis. Die Projekte des neusten »Call for Ideas« stehen unter dem Thema „Technology- and Data-driven Innovation“ und greifen...
Jahresauftakt fĂĽr die Leistungszentrums-Community-Events
Durch den Start von neun neuen Transferprojekten wird die Leistungszentrums-Community immer größer: Es wurde als Zeit, sich vor Ort zu treffen und persönlich kennenzulernen. Aus diesem Grund hat das Team des Leistungszentrum für Logistik und IT die Community gestern...
Exoskeleton Lab conducts study on intralogistics course
Carrying parcels, packing pallets and loading overseas containers: In the exoskeleton lab at Fraunhofer IML, an intralogistics course with typical main and secondary activities for manufacturer-independent testing, benchmarking and training of various exoskeletons has...
Review: Annual meeting of the Centers of Excellence
The annual meeting of the 21 national Centers of Excellence took place in October. The Centers of Excellence are funded by the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, each have their own thematic focus and organize the collaboration of university and non-university research with...
Exoskeletons in the craft – eavesdropping workshop podcast episode with Semhar Kinne
Relief for arms, shoulders, back, legs: The idea of making physical work easier for people by means of tightenable, mechanical support structures is already over 100 years old. However, sophisticated and well-functioning exoskeletons have only been available for a few...