We link logistics with IT.

The Center of Excellence Logistics and IT combines the leading research institutions in Dortmund as a scientific location to form an ecosystem for innovation with international appeal: We are making logistics the key scientific discipline of the industrial future.

Our work is on the latest topics of our times.

Autonomous logistic systems

Establishment of the infrastructure and launch of the so-called PACE Lab.

Cognitive Ergonomics

Establishment and operation of a picking lab with special consideration of the aspects of safety, security and privacy.

Design of socio-technical systems

Establishment of an exoskeleton test center, development of an XR Lab for research into mixed reality applications.

Machine Learning

Preparation of different logistic use cases in combination with Machine Learning.


Test environment with real-time data acquisition and analysis of autonomous logistics systems, e.g. drones or driverless transport systems.

Picking Lab

Testing of modern technologies for the design of workplaces in intralogistics.

Exoskeleton Test Center

Research into the potential and acceptance of intelligent support structures by humans.

XR Lab

Exploring the opportunities and challenges of mixed reality for virtual training.

Escape Room

Didactic center of a further education offer in blended learning format.

We do research for the benefit of people, the economy and society.



Excellent research and teaching by linking people with expertise.



Applying and using research in new contexts.



Innovation guide and companion for new technologies.



New ways to license software and data.



Nucleus for technology and knowledge-intensive spin-offs.



Fostering the next generation of scientists in logistics.

Cooperation and collaboration – our driving force.


Researchers BBQ

Discussions about research and results with a series of workshops.


Research infrastructure

Inter-organizational use of all service facilities.


PhD School

Summer School für Promovierende der Logistik.



Partnerships at strategic and operational level.


Series of publications

Whitepapers outline the future of logistics.


Conferences and congresses

Participation in national and international events.

News and events

Open House Day am Fraunhofer IML

Open House Day am Fraunhofer IML

Im Rahmen der Digitalen Woche Dortmund hatte das Leistungszentrum für Logistik und IT die Gelegenheit, das Leistungsspektrum und innovative Projekte einem...

read more

Transfer to the economy

Inform, test, develop together

In the test centers and laboratories of the Center of Excellence companies can obtain first-hand information about new technologies and test them in a straightforward manner without having to maintain their own project teams or invest in their own infrastructures.

Exoskelette Lab
Pace Lab
Picking Lab
XR Lab
Escape Room
AI Lab
Logo Exoskelett Lab

Exoskeleton LAB

Exploring technology and testing systems

In the Exoskeleton Lab, we conduct subject studies in a test course with typical logistical main and secondary activities (picking, loading and unloading, transport operations). Using subjective and objective methods, the suitability of the various exoskeletons for specific activities is investigated, among other things, and influencing factors for practical use and for integration into work organizational processes are derived. In addition, potential users can learn about the technology and test the existing systems.

Pace Lab

pace Lab

Real-time data acquisition and live visualization

The agile development of autonomous systems on an industrial scale requires innovative ways. The real-time data acquisition lab PACE enables perfect digital replication of reality with sub-millimeter accuracy as well as live visualization of measurement data, allowing novel development of algorithms in an industrial context. In addition to agile development, the PACE Lab offers companies a reference system for testing sensor technology, localization systems, mobile robots and drones and human-technology interactions.

Picking Lab

Picking Lab

Technology, transfer and training

In the Picking Lab, we investigate and evaluate various classical and modern picking methods, assistive technologies and warehouse management systems. In addition to the evaluation of human-technology interaction, work-organizational processes in order picking or the use of mechanical assistance systems, such as exoskeletons, can also be considered independently of the manufacturer. Research and industry benefit equally from the Picking Lab’s transfer platform.

Pace Lab

XR Lab

XR-based assistance systems

Companies in (intra-)logistics face numerous challenges. High employee turnover in the low-wage sector as well as monotonous workflows reduce motivation. The international working environment leads to language barriers, especially during the learning phase. In addition, errors can lead to high costs. Mixed reality (XR) applications can help here: They increase the intrinsic motivation of employees, can overcome language barriers and make knowledge transfer in training more efficient.

Escape Room Scene

Escape Room

Complex web of puzzles and riddles

Which innovative technologies are finding their way into companies and supply chains? How can they enrich our value creation and change business models? What are the potentials for our processes and collaboration in networks? In the Escape Room, these questions are interwoven in a complex web of puzzles and riddles that require the group’s communication skills and presuppose teamwork. In the Escape Room, we bring digital technologies and new concepts to life »hands on« under the guiding principle of managing digital transformation.

AI Lab

Machine Learning trifft auf Simulation

Im Artificial Intelligence (AI) Lab untersuchen wir die Möglichkeit Machine Learning und Simulation zu kombinieren. Anhand von vier Beispielen aus unterschiedlichen Planungsebenen demonstrieren wir, wie Problemstellungen in der Logistik mit Hilfe von KI und der Simulation gelöst werden können. Ziel ist es, durch das innovative Zusammenspiel dieser Methoden möglichst genaue Vorhersagen und Entscheidungen treffen zu können.

Quo vadis Logistics?

Currently, digitalization is having a massive impact on changing logistics. With their studies and investigations, the scientists witin the research clans at the Center of Excellence Logistics and IT are helping to drive change forward and steer it in the right direction.


of companies with more than 1,000 employees are already using artificial intelligence.

Source: IDG study


these are the savings that can be achieved through simulations in investment projects for production and logistics.

Source: VDI


is the annual growth of the European artificial intelligence market.

Source: BITKOM


c/o Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik IML
Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße 2–4 | 44227 Dortmund

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Management Center of Excellence

Dr. Ing. Benedikt Mättig
Fraunhofer IML
+49 231 9743 270


Maik Hausmann
Fraunhofer IML
+49 231 9743 538

Dr. Ing. Hendrik Haße
Fraunhofer ISST
+49 231 97677 423