On September 26, 2019, the Center of Excellence Logistics and IT welcomed Dr. Joseph Paradiso of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The lecture with the topic “Looking Past The Internet of Things – How We Will Connect To Our Networked Future” took place at the Fraunhofer IML. Dr. Paradiso is Deputy Academic Director of the Program in Media Arts & Sciences (MAS Program) at the MIT Media Lab and leads the Media Lab’s Responsive Environments Research Group. The research group investigates how sensor networks extend and mediate human experience, interaction and perception. The lecture began with an overview of the topic of networking people with the ubiquitous “electronic nervous system”. According to research by MIT Media Lab, the sensor network will soon extend far beyond the Internet of Things (IoT), i.e. beyond things, places and people – which will create the need to question the notion of physical presence. This object was illustrated by two main research areas – on the one hand with a view to a new kind of digital “omniscience” (e.g. different browser types for sensor network data) and on the other hand with a view to buildings and tools as “prosthetic” human extensions (e.g. intelligent tools as human-robot cooperation in the hand). We are looking forward to further visits and cooperations with the MIT Media Laboratory!
Photo: Fraunhofer IML