At the 7th Researchers’ BBQ of the Center of Excellence Logistics and IT at the Logistic Campus, the research clans not only gave an insight into their current work, but also pointed out perspectives for the next year. Michael Schmidt, project manager of the Center of Excellence, started by presenting some success stories from the clans’ work: Among the highlights are activities in which several clans are involved, such as the “Digital Angel” project. “Without the networking of the scientists in the Center of Excellence, we would certainly never have had the idea of initiating projects like this,” said Michael Schmidt. At the meeting of the performance centers of the Fraunhofer Society in Munich the day before, the organization of the Center of Excellence with its clans, in which scientists network at the operational level and create completely new things through their joint work, met with great interest. “The clans are certainly a recipe for success for our Center of Excellence,” says Michael Schmidt.
The clan work will therefore continue in the coming year, after the end of the first funding phase. Instead of the previous ten clans, eight more research groups will be active, some under a new name. Most clans will deepen special aspects, others will continue as “cross-sectional clans” and support the other research groups with their special know-how. What all future clans have in common is a stronger focus on the topic of transfer. In any case, the current and future clan leaders took a lot of time at the BBQ to inform their colleagues about activities, priorities and results.
As always, the Researchers’ BBQ ended with physical pleasures: In view of the season, however, networking was not carried out open-air at the barbecue, but in the foyer of the Logistics Campus with curry sausage.
Photo: Center of Excellence Logistics and IT