Logo Picking Lab

Pick list, MDE, Voice & Co.: Test center takes over evaluation of technologies for order picking

About the lab

Technology, transfer and training

In the Picking Lab, we investigate and evaluate various classical and modern picking methods, assistive technologies and warehouse management systems. In addition to the evaluation of human-technology interaction, work-organizational processes during picking or the use of mechanical assistance systems, such as exoskeletons, can also be examined independently of manufacturers. Research and industry benefit equally from the Picking Lab’s transfer platform.

In addition to software and hardware testing according to ergonomic criteria and objective performance criteria, Fraunhofer IML provides advice on technology development. Companies can also hold visitor days or workshops on site at the Picking Lab, test and further develop their products as well as train them.


In addition to software and hardware testing according to ergonomic criteria and objective performance criteria, Fraunhofer IML provides advice on technology development. Companies can also hold visitor days or workshops on site at the Picking Lab, test and further develop their products as well as train them.

The Picking Lab is located in the ZFT hall of the Fraunhofer IML in Dortmund and is affiliated to the PACE Lab. It cooperates with the PACE Lab and the Exoskelett-Testzentrum.

The idea of the Picking Lab originated in the »Applied Cognitive Ergonomics«clan.

The Picking Lab is aimed at …


… companies that offer and/or use technical picking solutions.


… companies that offer and/or use warehouse management systems.


… Institutes that conduct research on cognitive/physical ergonomics and human-technology interaction.


… logistics research.


Realistic picking setting

The Picking Lab consists of a shelf rack with three walk-in rack aisles filled with a wide range of articles. Due to the structure and the different characteristics of, for example, hanging goods, bulk goods or heavy goods, processes, challenges and potentials of typical intralogistic areas such as e-commerce, small parts picking or load handling are addressed in our manual miniature warehouse.

In terms of applied research, software and hardware solutions for order picking can be investigated in a realistic, standardized person-to-goods picking setting.

Contact person

Foto von Veronika Kretschmer

Dr. Veronika Kretschmer
Project management & ergonomics
+49 231 9743 289

Linda Maria Wings

Linda Maria Wings
Logistics IT
+49 231 9743 525

Luisa Elke

Luisa Elke
+49 231 9743 132

Current news

++ Virtual presentation »The role of people in the digital world of work: findings from industry-related research projects using the example of logistics« Autumn conference of the Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft e. V. (GfA) 2020 ++

++ Virtual presentation »Increased efficiency and satisfaction in the logistics warehouse?« at the webinar series »Increased efficiency and satisfaction in the logistics warehouse?« of Picavi GmbH 2020 ++


Kretschmer, V. (2020). Kretschmer, V. (2020). The role of humans in the digital world of work: findings from industry-related research projects using logistics as an example. In: Autumn conference of the Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft e. V. (GfA) 2020 ” Significance of human work in the age of digital transformation”, September 17-18, 2020, Dortmund: GfA-Press.


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