A perfect reflection of reality: Taking innovative paths in the agile development of autonomous systems

About the lab
Real-time data acquisition and live visualization
The agile development of autonomous systems on an industrial scale requires innovative ways. The real-time data acquisition lab PACE enables perfect digital replication of reality with sub-millimeter accuracy as well as live visualization of measurement data, allowing novel development of algorithms in an industrial context. In addition to agile development, the PACE Lab offers companies a reference system for testing sensor technology, localization systems, mobile robots and drones and human-technology interactions.
Companies can test their software and hardware solutions in the PACE Lab as well as use the PACE Lab in cooperation with Fraunhofer IML as a development environment for autonomous systems. Due to low latency, high-precision motion data acquisition, scenarios can be recorded in the PACE Lab and further developed in the simulation. The research clan »Autonomous Logistic Systems« of the Center of Excellence for Logistics and IT, to which the PACE Lab is connected, also deals with this and with machine learning methods.
The PACE Lab is located at the Fraunhofer IML in Dortmund as well as in the research hall of the affiliated Chair of Materials Handling and Warehousing FLW.
The Pace Lab is aimed at …
… companies that develop sensor technology.
… companies that develop and/or apply localization solutions.
… companies that develop and/or apply autonomous systems such as mobile robots or drones.
… companies and institutes that conduct research on cognitive/physical ergonomics (motion analysis).
… companies and institutes that develop and/or apply solutions for human-technology interaction.

Motion Capturing, Laser Projection, Communication
The PACE Lab has a high-precision motion capturing system that enables object detection in the submillimeter range and covers the entire area of two research halls. In addition, a laser projection system is used, which enables visualization of the measurement data and can be used for interaction with the employees (AR). In addition, WLAN 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5, Zigbee-capable access points and a 5G base station are used for communication. Software Defined Radio (SDR) can be used to determine the transmit and receive power in the radio range.
The interdisciplinary team can support both measurement and visualization as well as the development of industrial solutions.
