Communication between people and technology plays a decisive role in the success of the social networked industry. How people can communicate intuitively with automated transport vehicles was the subject of a recent study by the ”Human-Technology Interaction” research clan at the Center of Excellence Logistics and IT. Looking into the subject of “intuitive, user-centered interaction modalities for automated transport vehicles”, the scientists examined the effect and acceptance of the symbols on the e-paper display of the small load carrier “Emili” developed at Fraunhofer IML. Emili is short for: ergonomic, mobile, interactive load carrier for intralogistics – tested.
“Emili’s” tasks include transporting goods. The autonomous vehicle communicates its status and tasks on its display. The symbols make task or error messages visible to the user.
In this study, conducted in the context of the Center of Excellence Logistics and IT, the “Emili” icons were evaluated in three test phases. Based on the results, new icons were developed with which the user requirements that have been determined can be met even better. The error symbols have been standardized and no longer lead to ambiguities, whereas the task icons were removed and new icons have been developed. The study was first presented at the 7th International Working Conference on Human-Centered Software Engineering in Nice in September 2018.
Photo: Fraunhofer IML/Michael Neuhaus