The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning has been intensively discussed in logistics for some time. First application examples have been published, but the discussion is dominated by consultants, associations and researchers. The Center of Excellence Logistics and IT and the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics therefore want to conduct a survey to find out what the status of the implementation of current and planned projects and the information needs from the user’s point of view is. “We cordially invite companies to take part in our survey so that we can gain a realistic picture of the spread and current significance of machine learning in logistics,” says Christoph Pott, one of the heads of the Center of Excellence Logistics and IT. With the research clan Machine Learning, an interdisciplinary research group in the Center of Excellence is already comprehensively dealing with the topic.
In the survey, the participants are asked a total of twelve questions to assess the relevance of machine learning for their company today and in the coming years. It is also a question of the areas of the company in which machine learning is already being used or should be used in the future. Against this background the participants should also assess opportunities and obstacles.
Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, is a branch of computer science that is concerned with equipping machines with capabilities that resemble intelligent (human) behavior. Machine learning refers to procedures and computer algorithms that use data to train or learn the most optimal or successful behaviour possible without having to program each individual case explicitly.
The survey runs until 17 May 2020. Here interested representatives of companies can participate directly.
Photo: Fraunhofer IML